Linking Examples to DCRB -Reply

Gerald R Wager
Wed, 30 Dec 1998 19:08:18 -0500

Melinda et al.,
	My preference is for 1c (table, rules adjacent text).  Rules
below don't work at all.  When I looked at this earlier, the table
took a bit longer to load (although not this time), so that might be a
problem for some users.
	Can't we save ourselves some work by not repeating links to
the same DCRB rule for repeated fields; i.e., don't repeat 7C14 for
repeated 510s?

>>> Melinda Hayes <> 11/29/98 03:29pm >>>
Colleagues - 
I have placed samples of linking pages from an Example from the
edition of _Examples to Accompany DCRB_ to the edition of DCRB
currently on
the web. To get to the samples, go to the following site:

I welcome any comments you may have regarding formatting, image
future indexing, etc.
My new address is:
Melinda Hayes
now a Librarian in Special Collections, USC (among other things)