Inauguration of the list (repost)

Robert Maxwell
Thu, 07 Jan 1999 15:43:40 -0700

I am reposting this and the immediately following messages to the list to
get them in the archive.

>Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 12:48:50 -0600
>From: Robert Maxwell <>
>Subject: Inauguration of the list
>X-Authentication-warning: majordom set sender to
> using -f
>Dear DCRB Revision Committee members:
>The revision listserv is now ready to go. To communicate with the list,
>please use the address The current list members are as
>  (Richard Noble )
>  (Bruce Tabb )
>  ("E. C. Schroeder" )
>  (Elizabeth Robinson )
>  (Gerald R. Wager )
>  (Jane Gillis )
>  (Jain Fletcher )
>  (Juliet McLaren )
>  (Laurence S. Creider )
>  (Melinda Hayes )
>  (Sandra Sider )
>  ("Patrick J. Russell)
>  (Robert L. Maxwell )
>I have set up the list so that I will add and remove people, so you don't
>need to worry about commands sent to the majordomo, but in case you need
>it, the address of the server is:
>I have tried to set up the parameters of the listserv so that replies will
>go to the list and not to the individual that sent the message, since we
>want all to "hear" the entire conversation. In my inexperience as a list
>"owner" I am not sure this was set up properly (I won't know until this
>message goes out!), so if it didn't, when you reply, please be sure the
>address in the reply line is the listserv address and not that of the sender.
>At our last meeting we divided up the work of revision into several
>sections, with one or two people in charge of each. That list was as
>follows (to quote for Jane Gillis's minutes, which we just received):
>"Work on DCRB was divided up as follows:
>	1. USMARC on DCRB - Russell;
>	2. Core - Creider, with involvement from Jain Fletcher; this group will
>examine minimal level and whether core should replace minimal level or be
>an addition;
>	3. 19th century/post handpress - Schroeder, with Manon Theroux; 
>	4. Transcription - Robinson
>	5. Other:
>	  a. Serials - Gillis and McLaren
>	  b. Music - Jain Fletcher
>	  c. Maps and cartographic materials - Sider
>	  d. Other?
>	6. Glossary - Sider; special attention to definition of title page;
>	7. Principles - Maxwell; comparison of DCRB with British rare book rules;
>ISBDA, ISBDR; comparison of DCRB and AACR2;
>	8. Examples - Hayes; how to incorporate them 
>	9. Revisions in the future - McLaren
>	10. Single sheet publications - "
>For the next meeting, in late January, we each need to have a preliminary
>report ready on our particular area. The way I see us preparing these
>reports is by participating on the listserv, asking questions and opinions
>of each other. In other words, the person named for each section is only
>the "point person"--he/she is not expected to do all the work in that
>particular area! We will do the work together on the list. I hope that this
>will make it possible to hold our regular meetings at ALA without expanding
>the time--we will have already done most of the discussion here. 
>This brings up another consideration. We need to expand this list somewhat.
>I would be interested in adding persons to the list who would contribute to
>the discussion and work (in other words, not necessarily people that just
>want to listen in). If you have suggestions, please let me know.
>I will be sending out more information, but I think that is enough for
>now--let's get started!
>Robert L. Maxwell
>Special Collections and Ancient Languages Cataloger
>6428 Harold B. Lee Library
>Brigham Young University
>Provo, UT 84602
>(801) 378-5568
Robert L. Maxwell
Special Collections and Ancient Languages Cataloger
6428 Harold B. Lee Library
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
(801) 378-5568