Section 10: Single sheet publications
Juliet McLaren
Wed, 26 Jan 2000 11:14:40 -0800
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Hi all ~ here is the first section of the Single sheet publications
revision. I have included the AACR2 references and some italicized notes
for my own comment.
I did not intend to drown you all with everything at once; in my experience
it fries the brain. However feel free to comment on any of the other s-s
rules that interest/concern you. We will get through them all at some point.
The attachments are in MSWord and in WordPerfect for those of you who need
one or the other; I will send again with the other format.
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\pard \qc\sl0
{\plain DCRM Single sheet publications\par
}{\plain \par
}{\plain \par
}\pard \sl0
{\plain \tab }{\plain \i My comments and recommendations for discussion/amendment are in italics. Some
recommendations assume that we will treat \'91single sheet publications\'92 as a separate area of
monographs in DCRM . Rules and definitions from AACR2 are presented in a different font for
clarity ~ jm}{\plain \par
}{\plain \par
}{\plain \b\ul Definitions:}{\plain \par
}{\plain \par
}{\plain \tab }{\plain \f1 AACR2 - uses \'93Broadside\'94 and \'93sheet\'94(see App. D)\par
}{\plain \f1 \tab [1] Broadside: A separately published item consisting of a piece of paper,
}{\plain \ul\f1 printed on one side only}{\plain \f1 and intended to be read unfolded; usually intended to be
posted or publicly distributed. Examples of broadsides are proclamations, handbills,
ballad-sheets, news-sheets. }{\plain \i\f1 See also}{\plain \f1 Sheet.\par
}{\plain \f1 \tab [2] Sheet: As used in the physical description area, a single piece of paper
}{\plain \ul\f1 other than a broadside}{\plain \f1 (q.v.) With manuscript or printed matter on one or both sides.}{\plain
}{\plain \i [Emphasis added]\par
}{\plain \par
}{\plain \tab DCRB - uses \'93single-sheet publication\'94 (see App. G)\par
}{\plain \tab [1] Broadside, broadsheet: see Single-sheet publication }{\plain \i [however, in at least one place in
DCRB (i.e. 5B18) uses the term \'91broadsides\'92)}{\plain .\par
}{\plain \tab [2] Single-sheet publication: A publication printed on a single or composite piece of
patper or other material; it may be printed on one or both sides and may be bound or unbound.
The content of a single-sheet publication, as here defined, is predominantly textual in nature,
though it may contain illustrations that are subordinate or coordinate to the text. (See 5B2 for
normally imposed single sheets and 5B15 for single sheets designed to be read unfolded.) See
also Folder\par
}{\plain \tab [3] Folder: A sheet other than a normally imposed single-folded sheet, folded into four or
more numbered or unnumbered pages so imposed that they are to be read in sequence when the
sheet is unfolded..\par
}{\plain \par
}{\plain \b\ul Rules for description:}{\plain \par
}{\plain \par
}{\plain \f1 AACR2 offers rules specific to broadside and single sheet publication only in the area
of pagination. See: 2.5B1, 2.5B18 and 2.17A1. Rules on the description of early
monographs (2.12-2.18) are also clearly intended to apply.\par
}{\plain \par
}{\plain DCRB:\par
}{\plain \par
}\pard \fi-720\li720\sl0\tx720
{\plain 0D\tab The prescribed source of information for a single sheet publication in all the areas of the
description, except the note area and the standard nmber and terms of availability area, is
the entire sheet, both recto and verso. For the remaining two areas, information may be
taken from any source without bracketing.\par
}\pard \fi-720\li720\sl0\tx720
{\plain 1F1\tab For single sheet publications, take information for the title and statement of responsibility
area from the recto and/or the verso of the sheet without bracketing. }{\plain \i Compare with
AACR2 2.0B1 (first and third sentences) and 2.13A which are perfectly clear and seem
much simpler (assuming one shortens that list in 2.13A).}{\plain }{\plain \i In an attempt to conform to a
pattern, these rules seem an unnecessary duplication}{\plain .\par
}\pard \sl0
{\plain [NB: }{\plain \i At this point I am not sure what we are going to do about numbering, but that will
probably be decided for DCRM as a whole.}{\plain ]\par
}{\plain \par
}\pard \fi-720\li720\sl0\tx720
{\plain 1F2\tab Generally transcribe the data presented beginning with the first line of printing. If the
printing is arranged in columns with no data preceding the body of the text, begin the
transcription with the top line of the extreme left column (extreme right column in the
case of languages that are read right-left). Generally retain in the transcription dates,
addresses, and other data necessary for identification. Use judgment, but in case of doubt,
start the transcription with the first element. If the first element on the sheet is not
integrated with the succeeding material and is an element such has one of the following,
however, begin the transcription after it (without using the mark of omission):\par
}\pard \sl0
{\plain \tab \tab caption to an illustration\par
}{\plain \tab \tab copyright statement\par
}{\plain \tab \tab device\par
}{\plain \tab \tab edition statement\par
}{\plain \tab \tab imprint statement\par
}{\plain \tab \tab motto\par
}{\plain \tab \tab official numbering\par
}{\plain \tab \tab page number\par
}{\plain \tab \tab part of an illustration or ornament\par
}{\plain \tab \tab price\par
}{\plain \tab \tab tabular material\par
}\pard \li720\sl0
{\plain If the first element has been omitted, generally indicate the nature and position of the
omitted material in a note.\par
}\pard \sl0
{\plain \i For clarity I think this needs to be reworked (cf. AACR2 2.14A and C, and part of 2.14B). \par
}{\plain \par
}\pard \fi-720\li720\sl0\tx720
{\plain 1F3\tab If there is a word or phrase obviously intended as the chief title of the publication that is
not the first line of printing, transcribe it as the entire title proper, omitting elements
appearing before it on the page without the mark of omission. (In general, this instruction
should be applied only when such a title is not integrated grammatically with the rest of
the data, is set off typographically, and has as its sole function the naming of the piece as
a whole.) When such a title is selected, also give in a note at least the first five workds of
the first line of printing as described above. In case of doubt as to the selection of the
chief title, start the transcription with the first line as described above. \par
}\pard \sl0
{\plain \par
}{\plain \i This section also seems to need revising for clarity and direct expression. It certainly needs an
example or two. My first reaction to this is \'93what??\'94.}{\plain \par
}{\plain \par
}\pard \fi-720\li720\sl0\tx720
{\plain 1F4\tab If a caption title is present, normally transcribe this title in full. If there is no caption title,
transcribe the data }{\plain \i [Presumably this word refers to the opening words of the text or to the
first line of printing; look again at the style and language of AACR2, 2.14A]}{\plain at least until
a relatively distinctive word or phrase is included. If the distinctive word or phrase is not
near the beginning of the transcription, less important words or phrases ahead of it may be
omitted, using the mark of omission. Do not, however, abridge the transcription before
the sixth word. If the data are very lengthy, end the transcription at the first
grammatically acceptable place after the caption title or the distinctive word or phrase;
the omitted material may be summarized in a note.\par
}\pard \sl0
{\plain \par
}\pard \fi-720\li720\sl0\tx720
{\plain 1F5\tab Information transcribed from single sheet publications will generally not lend itself to the
application of the punctuation prescribed in 1A1 for the title and statement of
responsibility area. If, however, the information can be separated clearly and
unmistakably into title proper, other title information, or statement of responsibility
without any transposition, supply the prescribed punctuation}{\plain \i Is there a need to restate the
transcription option here? Or is this an unnecessary repetition of 0E?}{\plain \par
}\pard \sl0
{\plain \par
}\pard \fi-720\li720\sl0\tx720
{\plain 1F6\tab If there are two or more works printed on a single sheet having a collective title,
transcribe only the collective title as the title proper. Make a formal or informal contents
note for the works.\par
}\pard \sl0
{\plain \par
}\pard \fi-720\li720\sl0\tx720
{\plain 1F7\tab If there are two or more works printed on a single sheet that does not have a collective
title, transcribe as the title statement the first title or opening words of the text }{\plain \i [of course
this is only possible when the recto of the sheet can be identified, or when the sheet is
only printed on one side; in the general context the words \'91first title\'92 are ambiguous]}{\plain .
Make a formal or informal contents note and include in it the titles of the additional
works. If the sheet is printed on both sides and it is impossible to determine which side
should be read first, make a separate cataloging record for}{\plain each side of the sheet, and
include a formal \'93With, on verso:\'94 note in each record (cf. 7C19).}{\plain \i [I did not transcribe
this; it seems repetitive after this rule]}{\plain \par
}\pard \sl0
{\plain \par
}\pard \fi-720\li720\sl0\tx720
{\plain 1F8\tab If there are two or more works printed on a single sheet and each has its own imprint or
there is other conclusive evidence that they were intended to be separately issued, make a
separate catalog record for each work that was intended to be issued separately. Include a
formal \'93With:\'94 note in each record (see 7C19) indicating that the works were printed on a
single sheet and that they were \'93intended to be separated.\'94 If there are two or more works
printed on a single sheet giving the impression that they were possibly intended to be
separated, but there is no conclusive evidence that this is the case, follow the provisions
of 1F7, and include a note indicating that they were \'93possibly intended to be separated.\'94\par
}\pard \sl0
{\plain \i When looking at these three rules, compare them with AACR2: 1.1G, 2.1G1,1.1G3.}{\plain \par
}{\plain \tab }}