Hillyard, Brian
Thu, 7 Aug 2003 09:26:50 +0100
"Accordingly, give references as illustrated below. Begin the note with the
word "References" and a colon."
Reading through 7C14 it struck me that this instruction to use "References:"
is one of those leftovers from card-cataloguing days (you could say that
MARC21 510 subfield a doesn't accommodate it; and I won't mention indexing
problems). We could change it to a recommendation that any non-MARC format
display of the record should be headed in this way, but as DCRM isn't about
OPAC display I think it would be better to drop this instruction altogether.
Dr Brian Hillyard
Head of Rare Books, National Library of Scotland
George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EW
b.hillyard@nls.uk: 0131-226 4531 (voice): 0131-466 2807 (fax)