[DCRM-L] FW: FWIW: [PCCLIST] October 1 Implementation: more BIBCO Standard Records
dooleyj at oclc.org
Sat Dec 4 13:36:10 MST 2010
Not sure whether this lends anything new to the discussion here about BIBCO
records, but just in case. -Jackie
Jackie Dooley
Program Officer
OCLC Research and the RLG Partnership
949.492.5060 (work/home) -- Pacific Time
949.295.1529 (mobile)
OCLC Research advances exploration, innovation and community building for
libraries, archives, and museums.
------ Forwarded Message
From: "Smith-Yoshimura,Karen" <smithyok at oclc.org>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 14:24:32 -0400
To: OCLC Dooley <dooleyj at oclc.org>, "Schaffner,Jennifer Schaffner"
<schaffnj at oclc.org>, Merrilee Proffit <proffitm at oclc.org>, "Tennant,Roy"
<tennantr at oclc.org>, "Washburn,Bruce" <washburb at oclc.org>
Subject: FWIW: [PCCLIST] October 1 Implementation: more BIBCO Standard
May be of tangential interest. The new BIBCO Standard Record (yes, they must
create a new acronym) will be labeled the same as ³full level² cataloging
starting October 1 (that is, encoding level ³blank².) Has been in the making
for some yearsŠ and maybe someone here is interested that it¹s being
implemented? And that they¹re still working on one for manuscript
collections? FWIW, k.
From: Program for Cooperative Cataloging [mailto:PCCLIST at LISTSERV.LOC.GOV]
On Behalf Of Sturtevant, Carolyn
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 10:50 AM
Subject: [PCCLIST] October 1 Implementation: more BIBCO Standard Records
Implementation Date: October 1, 2010 for New BIBCO Standard Records (BSRs)
BIBCO libraries will begin using the new BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) models
for additional types of materials on October 1, 2010. The new BSRs are
posted at: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/bibco/BSR-MAPS.html
· Textual Monographs (with FAQ) (formerly Printed Books)
· Rare Books
· Cartographic Materials
· Notated Music
· Sound Recordings
· Moving Image Materials
· Graphic Materials
· Electronic Resources
As we move into the new BSR implementation phase:
* Records created according to the BSR models for all formats will carry the
encoding level ³blank.²
* Encoding level ³4² will remain as a valid encoding level in OCLC for
earlier BIBCO core records. Batch loading processes by libraries that
catalog in local systems may result in some BIBCO core level records
entering OCLC even after October 1, 2010.
* The Standing Committee on Standards is developing BSR guidelines for a few
remaining items (collections, including manuscript collections, electronic
resources in certain formats), in consultation with appropriate
* Links to BIBCO full and core standards remain as resources on the new
BSR-MAPS page, although they are marked as ³Superseded by the BIBCO Standard
Record, Oct. 1, 2010.²
* The BSR FAQ will be revised to include any new inquiries sent to
BIBCOmail at loc.gov
* BIBCO training materials for new BIBCO libraries are being prepared for
posting on the BIBCO web pages in October. Training will be designed as an
online experience about one day in length, with the option of an onsite
instructor. After training, record review continues until the new library
is independent.
PoCo extends its thanks to the Standing Committee on Standards and all Task
Group chairs, members, and liaisons, whose names appear in the final
reports: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/reports.html#BSR
Magda El-Sherbini, PCC Chair
Associate Professor
Head, Cataloging Department
The Ohio State University Libraries
el-sherbini.1 at osu.edu
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