[DCRM-L] working links for FEI and SCTN?
Jennifer Ward
jaw475 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 09:26:47 MDT 2024
Dear Kate,
We ran into the same problem with FEI because we used to link to
http://edit16.iccu.sbn.it/web_iccu/info/en/Impronta_notiziario.htm but that
link is dead and at the time (I haven't checked recently) I couldn't find
the manual on the Edit16 or ICCU pages. The best I could do was dig through
some pages on the Internet Archive, and I think I was able to piece most of
the manual together:
Main page:
Those all lead to PDF files, which I downloaded for myself and packed into
one larger file to save for reference.
If anyone has a better way to access those materials, I'd be happy to hear
about it.
A German translation is available here (and this link has been stable every
time I've needed to check):
Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM)
Jennifer Ward
Postadresse/Mailing address:
RISM Zentralredaktion
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Campus Bockenheim
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jennifer.ward at rism.info
On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 5:37 PM James,Kate via DCRM-L <dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu>
> Hello all,
> Does anyone know of working, freely available hyperlinks for the
> fingerprint schemes FEI (Fingerprints = Empreintes = Impronte) and SCTN
> (Short Title Catalogue Netherlands)? This page has a link to both, but
> neither work: https://users.ox.ac.uk/~bodl0842/fingerprints/. This blog
> on the Folger Shakespeare Library’s page also has a link to STCN that does
> not work:
> https://www.folger.edu/blogs/collation/detective-work-the-dutch-fingerprint-part-i/
> Alternatively, if anyone reading this uses FEI and has access to it, can
> you tell me if this space between the “e,” and the “i,” is added based on
> instructions: e, i, i-cu isi- sube (C) 1515 (R)? My understanding is that
> each of the 4 character groups is supposed to be 4 characters each and not
> include spaces found in the book nor added between characters within the
> group. A space between each group is added for human readability. The
> commas in the first group are appropriate as they are the final characters
> in the final two lines.
> Kate
> Kate James (she/her/hers)
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