[DCRM-L] Attend the RBMS BSC Cool Things We Cataloged Webinar
Lawler, Martha
Martha.Lawler at lsus.edu
Thu Nov 14 09:04:54 MST 2024
The Bibliographic Standards Committee of the ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section invites you to the webinar, Cool Things We Cataloged.
Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Time: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern / 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Central / 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Mountain / 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Pacific
Register here: https://umd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwsfumsrT0uGtF32H8erGXFMzxV-AusjVr7
Five speakers will explain the workflow, challenges, and information gained while cataloging interesting items found in their collections.
Community Novel from Arcata, California
Lucy Ingrey is the Cataloging Librarian at Cal Poly Humboldt in Arcata, California, and it is from here that the Arcata community novel originates. But what happens when a community, known for its hippie counterculture, creates a novel together? Lucy presents the resulting manuscript, a meandering, chaotic reflection on Arcata in the late 1970s, and discusses her approach to wrangling it into a structured bibliographic record.
Genji monogatari by Murasaki Shikibu, 978?-
Barbara R. Tysinger, Special Collections Cataloger at University of North Carolina, will discuss an early to mid-Edo period black lacquerware dowry chest containing 54 individual booklets of The Tale of Genji, in four internal drawers. The chest and each drawer are embellished with calligraphy and engraved brass fittings featuring the crest of the Hosokawa family. Female virtue was tied to literary knowledge in 17th century Japan, leading to a demand for Genji inspired artifacts. In the Edo period, dowry sets decorated with scenes from Genji became particularly popular for daimyo noblewomen, and symbolically imbued a bride with an increased level of cultural status. By the 18th century such objects had come to symbolize marital success.
Hypnotism Collection
Alicia Zalusky, Cataloging and Metadata Librarian at Vanderbilt University, will discuss the recent work of a two-person team to catalog the multilingual Dr. Albert Moll Hypnotism collection for the university's History of Medicine archives, with the support of its archivist and its curator. A prominent neurologist and psychiatrist whose contemporaries included Sigmund Freud, Moll's personal library was acquired by Vanderbilt in 1935, received minimal card cataloging in the 1970s, and became a priority for this project to promote access to a distinctive and unique collection. This presentation will cover the cataloging approach and the quirks involved, including the coordination of LCSH and MeSH subject headings, the variety of languages (and the occasional Fraktur typeface), and other interesting challenges along the way.
Manuscript about Witch Trials
Gabriella Stuardi, Special Collections Cataloging Librarian at Central Michigan University, will discuss Extract Zauberischer Indicia by Benedict Appel dern Jüngern. Although already existing before the Protestant Reformation, witch trials and executions became an increasingly widespread practice in Catholic South Germany during the period that goes from late 16th century to early 17th century, peaking in number and violence between 1560 and 1630. During this time, it is likely that at least 80,000 people were tried for witchcraft, and about half of them executed. Their names and last names were written in registers and ledgers, having care of noting their place of residence, job, and marital status, as well as their fate once it was decided. The manuscript presented is the register compiled by Benedict Appel der Jünge, the meticulous town clerk of Klingenberg am Main, who, in 1628-1629, recorded the names and lives of 144 people that were prosecuted for witchcraft.
Patent Medicine Box
Diana Simpson is the Catalog Librarian at The University of Southern Mississippi. She will discuss her experience cataloging a collection of women's health ephemera that contained a 1920s era patent medicine box that appeared to be one thing, but after deep investigation was revealed to be something else. Diana's unexpected journey led her to learn about early 20th century feminine hygiene products and patent medicine for women, resulting in discovery of a U.S. patent and a federal court case that identified the product once contained in the box, both instrumental in dating the box and creating an accurate catalog description. She will also share the best practice resources she consulted on cataloging objects.
Martha M. Lawler, MLS
James Smith Noel Collection
Louisiana State University Shreveport
Office: (318) 798-4163 Fax: (318) 797-5156
Martha.Lawler at lsus.edu<https://connect.emailsrvr.com/owa/redir.aspx?REF=H7FZ4RMQSGOZAqtO5bOiGQwgQEO0cV8uMkMZnkFraYD8iDSWaPTTCAFodHRwczovL2Nvbm5lY3QuZW1haWxzcnZyLmNvbS9vd2EvcmVkaXIuYXNweD9SRUY9WWxKdVZGQy1NLTRzYUtQeHlaQUF6QjQ4VU5ESFNpc1oyZDZCNXU5T2tlTWxVMUdiVl9UVENBRm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwyTnZibTVsWTNRdVpXMWhhV3h6Y25aeUxtTnZiUzl2ZDJFdmNtVmthWEl1WVhOd2VEOVNSVVk5U2pkRmVVSmtRMmhoZWpGeGRXZFpNRkE1TUVOclJIazNZWGxKVTJKR09XbHNRakpWUVdOdGEyOXlRWE50Ylc1d2RsQlFWRU5CUm5SWlYyeHpaRWM0TmxSWFJubGtSMmhvVEd0NGFHUXllR3hqYTBKell6Tldla3h0Vm10a1VTNHU.> www.lsus.edu<https://connect.emailsrvr.com/owa/redir.aspx?REF=PsGy8Nqvw75KmWiL7M41kQf8WCbmsj03-Qsxhf3nv3X8iDSWaPTTCAFodHRwczovL2Nvbm5lY3QuZW1haWxzcnZyLmNvbS9vd2EvcmVkaXIuYXNweD9SRUY9MUNkanh4SzVHTkpBQU5ZdEx0UmZ3Z1cyeS1vZm9GdUZLQzhQYUlVTW9JWWxVMUdiVl9UVENBRm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwyTnZibTVsWTNRdVpXMWhhV3h6Y25aeUxtTnZiUzl2ZDJFdmNtVmthWEl1WVhOd2VEOVNSVVk5TUMxbVZpMU9PV0ZCY2swek9XSTVXbDlaWmxabmFsVldkbmQyZDAxUU9IRk1ORzR3U0U4NFZrRmhSWE50Ylc1d2RsQlFWRU5CUm05a1NGSjNUMms0ZG1RelpETk1iWGg2WkZoTmRWcFhVakZNZHk0dQ..>
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