[DCRB-L] WG5 summary of decisions
Deborah J. Leslie
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 14:19:29 -0400
Dear colleagues,
FYI, this is the record of the decisions WG5 (problems and lacunae) reached during the DCRM Conference. The marking up of text based on these decisions is currently ongoing. At some point and in some place we would like to set out the arguments for the changes the group accepted or rejected, whether it be this summary augmented, or as part of the presentation of a new draft of the rules.
WG5 Summary of Decisions
Confirm that transcription from the item must follow general rules of transcription. (Cf. 2B1)
Confirm that mandatory note must accompany any transposition of areas or elements on t.p. (Cf. areas 2 & 4)
Use of "i.e." in parenthetical qualifiers restricted to correction of errors; not used for clarification or expansion.
0E. Do not add punctuation that is not there in the original punctuation option. (WG2)
1A2. Remove "dedications" and "statements of patronage" from list of data that may be silently omitted
1B1. Transposition of separable authors' names.
Current practice of Ex. 36 reaffirmed (T. Lucretius Carus Of the nature of things). Despite Brian's persuasive argument, we agreed that it is too much a slippery slope to talk about printer's intention regarding language rather than characters. Will, however, drop phrase "grammatically linked" wherever it appears in the text, since all sentences are grammatically linked, and succintly define "grammatically inseparable" the first time it appears and/or in glossary. Follow-up note: AACR2 A.4D uses term "grammatically independent", which it takes to be something that is not "grammatically linked." While rejecting the latter as nonsensical, we may perhaps use the former instead of "grammatically separable."
1D. (accept from WG3). Treat illustration statements that do not contain statements of responsibility as other title information.
1G9. ([edited by] ...)Will keep this rule. Adopt ISBD(A) wording, tweaked to fit DCRM .
2B1. Abbreviations for edition statements taken from the t.p. verso. Treat edition statements like any other; transcribe from prescribed sources; may record using standard abbreviations &c. if taken from any other source in the publication than prescribed sources. 2B5 will be kept to encourage the recording of edition information from sources outside the publication. General principle affirmed that anything transcribed from the source will follow general transcription rules.
2B4. Accept Manon's addition. [Do the same when the edition statement consists solely of words that convey numbers. If no appropriate word or abbreviation can be determined, or in cases of doubt, simply leave the statement as is.
Second [ed.]
Fifth ten thousand
Elizabeth will write up a proposal about requiring a note if one is not sure about the appropriateness of the accompanying word.
Area 4 (from WG3/WG5 joint meeting). Will need to rewrite the first paragraph in 4. Joe says that if we rewrite the rules so that there is no presumption of everything going in $a$b, it might not be so problematic.
Perhaps we can word it so that when the function of manufacturer clearly subordinated, it goes into the manufacturer element.
ISBD(A) may solve the problem.
Let's draft something that seems to cover both cases and then tweak the document. I will draft something, send it to Joe and let him revise, then we will send to Jane & Manon.
4D2. WG3 agrees to our proposals on copyright. Need to verify whether the copyright symbol is in the character set. If not, investigate whether there is firm instruction on transcribing this symbol as a 'c'.
4A4. Accepted need for marc-tagged examples. Follow-up: rejected in plenary
4A6, 5B18. Need a reference in the text to collection-level rules. Move information contained in 4A6 to the text at beginning of section 4. Consult WG4 re: desires about existing rules in DCRB. Also 5B18
If considered necessary for identification, supply in square brackets the modern English form of the name of the place.
Christiania [Oslo]
Eboracum [York]
Berolini [Berlin]
4C2. Remove instruction to generally omit addresses and qualifications, making it instead more neutral.
If a statement such as "Privately printed" appears on the title page, record transcribe it as, or as part of, the publisher statement. Generally, review DCRM language for ambiguous references
4C6. For lengthy imprints, allow omission only after the 3rd name. . Summarize the number of firms and place names in the omitted part. Give example of counting firms vs. individual names.
2nd par. Remove exception about not combining in an element data taken from different sources. Work with WG3 to come up with language and examples.
4D2. Disallow silent conversion of roman dates to arabic. Add an example in which a full date is not given, such as Joe's "25th year" to show how an "i.e." is not included in the arabic. Joe to provide us with an example.
Remove instruction to add copyright date after publication date.
Restrictions on copyright dates. Agreement with WG3.
4D4. Transcribe the date of copyright as a substitute for an unknown date of publication or printing.
, c1894 Keep this example but find a plausible transcription
Add a second example showing a supplied date and quoted "copyright"statement.
Example of an obviously early copyright date, corrected in square brackets with more current date.
4D7. Include in example one where a multi-volume set changes from arabic to roman.
5B3. Keep 3rd option for numerous sequences , <1 v. (various pagings) > but change language to make it clear this is a last resort
5B6. 1st par. Show example of publication numbered [i]-xii, [1], 14-176.
5B7. Eliminate second example. Replace the note underneath the 3rd example, for internally non-self-correcting errors in pagination.
5B9. Do not treat any illustrated title page (including an engraved title page) as a plate (cf. 5C1). ). [Review discussions of BDRB revision. Joe remembers a very convoluted process and decision.] Larry suggests that we try to recover earlier discussions. DJL will write and post a recommendation.
Incorporate WG3 option as amended about counting illustrations as plates if unnumbered and pages if included in the pagination.
Books in which engraved leaves are the main sequence are to be recorded as "pages" or "leaves", not including the "of plates." |b to be used only if there are true illustrations. A note should be made if wholly engraved.
5B9. Allow counting of numbered plates except for frontispiece, by adding example to show the use of an initial unnumbered frontispiece and all plates subsequently.
When plates are the main sequence (as in calligraphy, &c. books), do not use "of plates" in the 300$a. Instead, use only "leaves" or "pages" as appropriate.
5B15. Working with WG3 for better guidance on how to count pages for folders.
5B17. Difference of bibliographical volumes and physical issuing units. Majority preferred keeping it as it is. Follow-up: overturned in plenary. There is no rare book reason for this disparity with AACR2.
5B18. Delete in favor of appendix for collection-level rules (same decision as for 4A6). No additional note or reference needed.
5C1. Change example from metal cuts.
5C2. Eliminate diagrams with intention of restricting use to terms shown. Follow-up: overturned in plenary
5D1. I don't have any notes recorded on whether we decided to change the measurement of binding to text from Hinman recommendations.
Area 7. Promote use of standardized terminology (from thesauri) and other conventions of transcriptions (especially for illegible text, expansions) in note area.
7C6. Capitalization confusion: A lover of truth. Change accepted to a Lover of Truth. Cf. AACR2 A.2B1, A.4F1 Follow-up: If recommendation is adopted not to change lower- to uppercase, this may be moot.
Add example of diffuse attribution of authorship; also, one with a certain attribution with other previous attributions. Use "also attributed to" instead of "variously". DJL to come up with these examples.
7C9. Change the emphasis of the rule, allowing for use of Greek characters if available.
Provide example of superscript 8.4
7C18. Copy-specific notes. Brian wants to provide more guidance for catalogers describing, especially provenance and binding. MARC 563 for bindings, 561 for provenance. (Verify numbers). Brian suggested we might collaborate with David Pearson to work up an expanded 7C18. Appoint a sub-group to work on these things. Perhaps introduce language encouraging the linking of images. Follow-up:Jim Larrabee and Jennifer Roper to work on this.
All copy-specific notes should have an indication of the institution. Give example of 590 "Folger copy", or 500|5DFo.
No definition of imperfect needed, but add a statement requiring that a note on imperfections be prefaced with "Imperfect:" Follow-up: I didn't record why we decided that a definition of "imperfect" was unnecessary; can someone remind me? Elsewhere WG2 recommends that "perfect" be added to the glossary. Would this change our decision?
7C19. Confusion between issued with and bound with. Elizabeth Robinson drafted a re-writing to be explicit about "Bound with" and correlate it with 1E2.
Appendix A. If a statement of responsibility is transposed, suggest that a title added entry beginning with the author's name if there is any reasonable thought that might be access . (Cf. 1B1).
Appendix B ss guidance. Transcribe ess-zet as ss, ligatured sz as ss, and separate sz as sz. In case of doubt, transcribe as ss.
Glossary. Title leaf. Add "recto of the" to definition of title page, and eliminate the second section.
Add definition for integral. Glossary issues to be dealt with separately.
Follow up
DJL to write position paper on the treatment of engraved t.p.'s as plates and letterpress tables.
DJL to elaborate "folder" issues. (In process with WG3; distributed DCRB-L 28 April 2003)
Deborah J. Leslie
Head of Cataloging
Folger Shakespeare Library
201 East Capitol St., S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
202.675-0369 (voice)
202.675-0328 (fax)